Chapter 294 A Sudden Attack

Son of a b*tch...

Selena wasn't bothered by the wound on her hand, but instead, she blinked her almond-shaped eyes and laughed loudly. 


"Selena, what are you laughing at?" Freya was confused by her laughter. She was trying to help her and defend her, yet she was laughing so ungratefully.

"Haha..." Selena stopped laughing and supported her jaw with her hand. "I was laughing at you. You looked a lot like Elvis when you were talking just now."

"How? Why would I look like him?" Freya questioned. 

She raised her brows as her voice became softer, and a blush began to spread across her face.  

Elvis was such a diabolical man; she did not think that she looked like him at all. 

"I don't know..." Selena's lips curled into a smile. "You look especially like him when you're angry! Wait, let me guess, have you been very close to General Russell lately? Perhaps that's why you're starting to behave like him."

Freya was caught off guard as she heard that, and she was stunned.