Chapter 301 The Making Of A Young And Pretty Woman

In Tasya's dormitory.

Tasya sat on the edge of the bed, and was ready to tie the syringe and the serum containing the new virus onto her calves. She planned to take action that night. 

She didn't like attacking others after too long, as the feeling of pleasure when taking revenge after a long period of time would drastically decrease. Therefore, she wanted to deal with Freya as soon as possible, and let her have a taste of the consequences of fighting with her!

She was almost ready when the telephone in her dormitory rang. 

Who would be calling at this hour?

She frowned, but picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Tasya, it's me," Bernard's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, it's you, Dad. Why did you call me?" She was puzzled. Her father rarely called her via the telephone in her dorm. 

"Tasya, come to my office right away. I have something to tell you, and it'll be difficult to explain through the phone," he said. 
