Chapter 317 Someone Who\'s Supposed To Be Dead

Hearing Elvis' sweet and affectionate words made Tasya overjoyed. 

She raised her hand and was about to grab the red velvet box from him when he withdrew his hands again. 

"Elvis?" She was puzzled. 

"Tasya, let me put it on for you." He removed one of the pearl earrings from the white velvet layer in the box. 

"Alright!" Without hesitating, she removed the cross earrings from her ears. 

As he bent down and the scent of his masculinity approached, Tasya closed her eyes slowly like a shy young woman. However, his eyes were ice cold as he quickly secured the earrings onto her ears.

"I'm done, Tasya."


The minute she opened her eyes, she saw the charismatic but playful face of Elvis again. 

He was a major general in the camp, and the second son of the great Russel family, but he was unconditionally gentle and patient with her. It satisfied her vanity like never before. 


Tasya stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"Thank you."