Chapter 356 Most Despicable Person

Tasya lost her patience after playing along with Freya, so she kicked her on her knees, causing Freya to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

"It seems that our Commander Clark is still being naughty..." Tasya squatted down as a sinister smile played on her lips. "Did you think that it was just a coincidence that I was able to beat you? If you hadn't caught a cold, maybe you still had a chance to win, but with how sick you are, you are no match for me!"

Freya's cold had become worse. Her whole body was so heavy that she could barely move.

She gritted her teeth, and her eyes were filled with anger.

Why didn't she catch a cold earlier? Why did it have to be now? Why did she have to catch a cold in such a situation?

The timing was really bad.

Otherwise, how could she let Tasya beat her to the point that she was like a fish on a chopping board?
