Chapter 361 Otherwise She Would Become a Widow

Jefferson helped Freya to untie the ropes around her body.

She saw that if Elvis continued to grab Tasya's neck, the woman would probably die from strangulation by him.

Tasya was already a wanted criminal. After being arrested, even if she did not die, she would never be able to escape the high walls of the jail. Elvis had already taken off his military uniform because he was disgusted by the thought of her blood staining his uniform...

That was because her blood was filthy...

Elvis' sharp eyes turned red from bloodlust. Perhaps because of the dangerous situation, his eyes looked exceptionally mesmerizing, or perhaps it was because he was too charming to the point that it was dangerous.

Upon hearing Freya's voice, Elvis could not help but cast a glance at her. However, the strength in his hand did not ease, and his urge to kill Tasya remained. 

"Freya..." He said in a low voice, "I will not forgive her for treating you like this. I will definitely make her pay with her life!"