Chapter 410 Choose The One I Love

"You..." Selena was a little stunned.

In fact, she was just joking with Jefferson, but she didn't expect him to be so frank, and he even explained everything that had happened without hiding anything from her at all.

"Did you just tell me everything?" She asked in obvious shock.

"Don't you want to know?" He raised his eyebrows, and his breathing became warmer. He smiled slightly and uttered, "Selena, I don't need you to sniff the scent on my body, because I will directly tell you everything I have done..."

Upon hearing his words, she was really touched.

Her small hand grabbed onto his clothes and her almond-shaped eyes shone brightly. She smiled sweetly and exclaimed, "Hubby, what should I do? I realized that I really like you a lot!"

She admitted that Suanne's words made her sad and they also made her feel insecure. 

After all...