Chapter 422 What did that Old Man Tell You

Selena felt that Master Maxwell might be trying to scare her. Anthony wouldn't go as far as to do something overboard to her!

When he saw her half-convinced expression, he realized that he was describing his grandson as a savage beast. He then pretended to cough unintentionally, wanting to cover up his embarrassment. "Ahem, Ahem..." 

"Selena, I am just making a joke. I don't think he would do something like that."


Soon, Derrick had already parked the car in front of a hotel-style apartment.

"Grandpa, it's here..." She nodded to Master Maxwell, who was next to her. "Thank you for giving me a ride back today."

"Selena, you don't need to thank me." He beamed, "I think I have a predestined relationship with you. In the future, not only can you go to hang out at that old fox's house, but you can also come to my place. I'll let my chef cook better dishes for you to entertain you."

She was at a loss by his kindness...

"Okay, Grandpa. I got it."