Chapter 442 Severe Consequences

Selena used all her strength to push Simon away.

His leg injury had not yet healed, so the force she exerted made him stagger a few steps back. There were her bite marks on his lips, and the parts she had bitten down particularly hard were bleeding. His cold eyes stared at her, as if he wanted to see through her soul.

Her chest rose and fell violently. Her little face was as red as tomato, and her eyes were unwilling to look back at him out of fury.

As the anger in her chest was about to explode, she directly raised her right hand and smacked it towards his cheek.

"Simon, how can you do this to me?" She moved her lips and asked.

He noticed what she intended to do, but he did not avoid it. With a slap, Selena's dainty hand fell on Simon's cheek, leaving a print.