Chapter 456 I\'ve Only Ever Wanted

Freya drove Selena back to the apartment.

As soon as she got home, Selena smelled the very fragrant aroma of cooked meat. She was so hungry that her stomach rumbled. Putting on her indoor slippers, she hurried to the kitchen and as expected, she saw Jefferson, who was making soup.

The warm orange light of the kitchen made his shadow even appear even longer and more slender. Although he looked a little out of place in the kitchen as he wore a shirt, his figure still made her feel warm.

"You're back?"

He put down the ladle in his hand down, leaned slightly to one side, and looked at her.

"Yup!" She walked to his side and fixed his slightly messy hair. "Did you... get back early?" She asked.

"I came back more than two hours before you!" He answered as he held her in his arms, pressing her soft, fragrant body into his as he sniffed her. He said, "However, since you weren't here, I made the soup that you like to drink..."