Chapter 458 Why Can\'t I Board?

In the evening, Selena got off work from the hospital.

While Jefferson was on a business trip, she curled up on the sofa with her laptop. She was browsing through foreign medical journals.

Her dark eyes moved across the lines as she read the journals, and the corners of her lips were slightly upturned as she said to herself, "So this illness might actually be related to psychological factors..."

Just as she was immersed in fascination, her cell phone rang.


"Selena, it's me!" Freya's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"It's you, Freya!" Selena put down her laptop and immediately got up from the sofa. She smiled and asked, "Why are you looking for me? Didn't you say that Elvis will be taking you to Flochland tomorrow for a vacation?"

"That's right, Selena! I'm leaving tomorrow!" Freya murmured, "Didn't you ask me about that photo last time?"