Chapter 460 Not Suitable to Board

Suanne turned her face slightly and looked at Jefferson.

In the moonlight, he looked laidback and noble, with a touch of arrogance, but he was still so dazzling that she could only see him in her eyes!

This was the man she liked!

He was so powerful that he gave her a sense of security...

Her heart had clearly been empty and chaotic just now, but when she heard what he said, her heart... could not help but calm down. She gradually felt at peace.

"Okay!" She nodded vigorously.

"Let's get on board!"

When they reached the entrance, they were greeted by two rows of black-suited guards on the deck.

"Miss..." The employee in black saw Suanne in a wheelchair, and his tone was full of contempt as he spoke. He asked, "Where's your invitation?"

Jefferson's face immediately darkened, and a sinister light flashed through his pitch-black eyes. It was as if a violent storm was coming, and his expression could freeze a person to death.