Chapter 463 You Can\'t Afford to Provoke Anyone

An alias?

Could it be that none of the girls in this club used their real name, and instead went by an alias?

She did not usually go by anything other than her real name. What should she call herself?


At that moment, the first name that came to her mind was Angel, so she blurted it out directly.


Selena gave a few awkward laughs and repeated, "My name is Angel."

"Angel... You sure know how to pick a name."

She was secretly thinking that she had only picked one at random, and that there was no deeper meaning to it.

They arrived at the ship's deck.

The women queued up in a line to get checked for any electronic devices or restricted items.

That night, the Janna Cruise was hosting a high-end banquet, which did not allow any firearms, drugs, or communications equipment to be brought in.

It was Selena's turn.

The black-clad guard coldly said, "Raise your arms."