Chapter 475 This Was a Mistake

It hurt, and excruciatingly so.

Selena frowned and felt that her chin was in so much pain that it was about to become deformed...

At that moment, she felt true panic and fear.

Had getting on the Janna Cruise that night not been a complete mistake?

If she really could not go back...

Jefferson would be searching for her all over the world!

Perhaps she should not have been so... stubborn!

If he was to find out, he would likely teach her a harsh lesson!

However, would she still have the chance... to be taught a lesson by him?

Thinking of this, Selena's gaze could not help but dim...

"You're quite stubborn!" Zayden's slender fingers did not loosen in the slightest, and a trace of admiration flashed through the depths of his eyes. However, this tinge of admiration lasted less than a second, and then it was completely replaced by frost and cruelty.

In his mind, those who were not his allies were his enemies...