Chapter 478 Disobedient

The distance between them shrunk.

With how close they were, Selena could almost count all of his eyelashes. His eyelashes were longer and thicker than that of a woman, which made her seriously envious!

"Didn't you..." Selena argued in a low voice. "Didn't you still... choose to help me?"

His lips curled into a helpless smile.

He had never met such a high and mighty woman.

"That's because I just happened to see you..." He frowned slightly. He continued, "If it was anyone else, your fate would not have changed!"

"Simon..." She did not know what he wanted to do, so she could only stare at the man in front of her.

His finger unexpectedly touched her arm.

She hissed.

Not out of pain, but because it was cold.

Simon's fingers were as cold as ice, and the accidental touch made Selena's body instinctively tensed up.

"What... What are you going to do?" She asked hesitantly.

"I..." He suddenly realized what he had just done.