Chapter 505 I Will Love It Regardless of Its Gender (Ending)

Selena was shocked. She had never thought that she would see Nathaniel in this kind of situation.

"Why are you here?"

"Do you not welcome me?" He smiled like a cheeky kid.

"That's not it, Grandpa. Come in and have a seat." After recovering from her shock, she quickly settled them down and went to serve them some tea.

"Selena, be honest with me. Is Jefferson treating you well?"

Regardless of his old age, Nathaniel was worried about her happiness.

"Grandpa, Jefferson is very good to me. Don't worry."

She subconsciously touched her stomach with her hand. Inside, a small life was being nurtured. It was worrying, but exciting at the same time.

"That's good. If he dares to let my dear granddaughter suffer even a little, I'll get someone to tear him apart!" Nathaniel's tone was as insolent and as unreasonable as ever, but Selena sensed his concern for her.

"Grandpa." She looked at him with mixed feelings. "I'm very happy now, rest assured."