
The crew's ship finally reached the island. Stephan dropped the anchor into the ocean, his eyes completely focused on the forest covered island and its beauty.

Magnus opened the door to the upper deck with Elvia on his back, and the rest followed closely behind him. Mortale steered the wheel once more, before letting it go and standing up to join the group.

"Sorry I'm making you lot do this." Elvia meekly apologised, her head felt like she was being hit with a hammer repeatedly. "I'd turn into a fairy to help with moving me, but my mana seems to be at an all time low." She continued, shoving her head into Magnus' shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about that right now. Just get some rest, so when we arrive there, you have some energy to interact with everyone." Thali comforted her. Since she had known Elvia, this was the first time that she had seen the woman this ill, and it was extremely worrying.