
It was all too much. The third floor had entirely too much information for Magnus to consume in a couple hours. So, he was going to read the important part now, and force Cosmos to fill in the blanks, if the cosmic being really wanted Locrome to be saved. The duo walked hand in hand till they stopped in front of a door that led into a dark room. 

"Immersive telling of the history of Locrome." Thali read aloud, letting go of the boy hands to grab the sunglasses that hung on the hook by the yellow description tablet.

"I guess we use these to have the immersive experience." She voiced, twirling the sunglasses around. Magnus understood and grabbed a pair from her. They placed them on and walked into the dark room, and were immediately hit with cool air. 

The walked further into the room, noticing that they were not the only ones in there. Magnus caught the sigh that rung through his head, silently cursing Cosmos for his lack of cooperation.