Special Chapter- The Juggernaut Q&A

"Welcome everyone to the new episode of the Late Night Show. I'm your host, NocturnOwl, and today we have very special guests. Place your hands together for the Juggernaut Pirate Crew."

( Crowd cheers. The camera pans to the juggernauts sitting on a long purple sofa)

Nocturn: " How have you been. " ( A massive smile on their face) 

Juggernauts: We've been good. (Magnus smiles into the camera.) (Crowd cheers louder) 

Nocturn: So you guys are in the a little show called the Life Of A Pirate Lord, and the second season finale is coming up. How do you guys feel?" 

Thali: (Smiling) It's a bit nerve wrecking, but we've been putting in the work. (Koko nodding along with Mortale) It's been a crazy ride so far. 45 episodes and we're no where near the end. It's been amazing. (She finishes, dusting her dress down a bit)