That's Captain Ugly Tom!

The Domingos siblings were able to simmer down. Koko was quick to catch Magnus' unconscious body from rolling down the boat and into the sea.

"Ugly Tom becomes a Navy soldier. Good on you." Stephan voiced, but placed his arms up when the cannon was aimed at his head. "To think two great hunters would become filthy pirates. What a world we sure live in. It's disgusting to see it in real time. Heinous. Simply heinous. You'll be smart to hold your tongue and seize your insults, for I have come to collect your heads."

He held up two pieces of brown papers with Koko and Thali's portraits on them with the words 'DEAD OR ALIVE' written on the bottom. 

The flame user wanted to faint. As a bandit you didn't have to worry about being hunted to the end of the earth. You caused a little trouble, and if you got caught. Hey, you got caught. But to have an actual bounty on your head, signed by most of the royals and the government, was the scariest thing she had to deal with.