Becoming Stronger.

Thali, Elvia, Koko and Stephan cautiously followed the green armoured men with tridents. They had been called from the hospital room, and were told that Hodan would love to see them. They continued down the bubbled hall, a measure Hodan took, so the crew could breathe normally.

Left, right, left, right before they finally stopped in front of a large purple and blue crystal, shell shaped door. The Caeris knights opened the door, and the four of them gasped, looking on with wide eyes. Hodan (in her larger form) sat on her throne, with Dhall standing by her leg. 

"Dang, she's huge." Stephan spoke aloud, earning him an elbow to the hip from his sister. "Sorry, I wasn't meant to voice that out loud." He sheepishly scratched his head. His green eyes then caught a glimpse of a light brown skinned girl with mint green braided hair, wearing a lavender gown.