Mortale vs Crois

"Oh god, it's so hot in here." Mortale muttered, fanning himself with his normal hand. He was in an open space, he assumed he was near the shore, since the smell of the ocean was incredibly strong.

The young swordsman took off his black fur coat, throwing it down on the grass. There was no building, just him and the large field of grass. 

His purple eyes scanned around his surroundings, there was no sighting of the walking talking abomination that was the croissant.

Crois was somewhere hiding, and Mortale's mana registry was failing him. Crois was simply hiding his mana. A smart move on his part.

The white haired male looked up into the night sky. They had been here the whole day. The young man could wait to head back to the ship, and knock out for a good long time. He then looked at the ground, watching as the little insects ran around.