Run in with the law.

"We're about to enter the island, so I need to check our finances." Thali spoke up to herself. She opened the holographic clipboard and sighed in relief when she saw two hundred million riyals.

"Of course I'm not going to hand you guys all of that." She muttered before looking up

"Guys! Gather around for your allowance." The crew summoned their holographic wallets, huddling around Thali.

"You all get two hundred thousand to spend. Be smart with it." She swiped up, sending the money to their wallets, then her own. After a while, a ka-ching swojnd6 followed as confirmation of the money being sent.

"I'm guessing we're splitting up, right captain?" Koko asked, looking at young man who was strapping his black overalls over his red turtle neck, oversized jumper. Mortale had braided his hair into one french braid.