Pim Pam Pom

Samhain left the cabin, watching as the Juggernauts continued working on the well, and the market place. Elvia had created a communication watch for him, and he used it to call in the creation mages Magnus needed. However, it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.


Most of the communication on the main island had been intercepted by Kylan, however, thanks to the quick thinking of the mages, they had left as soon as Samhain was kicked out, in case they needed his help.


Samhain memorising their mana patterns was also dandy, that helped him call them. It was the early hours of noon, and Magnus was sweating a lot. The mechanic overall was far too hot to be in, so he removed the upper part.


He wore a black tank top underneath.The captain and Thali spent most of the night talking about their feelings, and they both agreed to not act like a couple and keep a secret from the crew. It was the smartest thing to do.