Tool For A life

The sound of steam and machines running echoed through the steel walls of the factory. The sounds of pained groans and cries followed. Loopy walked through the factory, her eyes wide as well as her smirk.

The men of Ween Moore were strapped on metallic bed and lifted up, wires attached all over their bodies. 

This allowed the extraction of the mana to go smoothly. The raven haired girl watched with a smirk, a pleased look adorning her face.

"Drip, drip, drop. Take every last drop." She sang to herself. She watched as some of them men had become nothing but skin and bone, absolutely enjoying how they suffered.

Her eyes roamed around the factory walls, looking at every detail, like she had not seen this building a million times before. The steel walls were red, graffitied with the logo of the Steinpole crew.