Aina Yazuna

The group within the tavern waited patiently. Kylan was going to be here at any moment, and they needed to be prepared. Their guards were all the way up, and they looked at the door, as they waited. The ground beneath them started to shake. He was close. The ground only shook harder, and one deep breath, the group left the tavern and into the open. 

Kylan, Tunie, Loopy, Theresa, and the large shadowy figure were walking alongside their no-named crewmen. "I thought you said there were five including Jack Jack." Magnus said, looking at Samhain with a confused expression.

"I did." "So, who the hell is the orange haired kid." He pointed. Samhain shrugged. Once again, he wasn't really well versed on who was a member and who was not. Kylan and his gang stopped, as did the non-named pirates. A smirk was present on his face, and he couldn't help but feel giddy inside. Magnus' defeat would mean that his business would start to boom.