King Of The Dead

Samhain stood there, enjoying the internal battle that the man before him was having. "Are you really that sad over a defeat anyone with eyes saw coming?" Samhain questioned, mockingly. A cheshire-like grin was present on his face. His appearance slowly began to change as well. Thanks to his recovery, his missing mana was now replaced. 


Kylan knew this battle wasn't going to end swiftly. He watched as Samhain hair turned platinum blonde and his skin started to glow. His height increased, as well as his muscle mass.


A flowy black cloak with skulls all over it covered his body, as a pair of finger-less black gloves covered his hands. His transformation was complete when a skull crown appeared above his head.


Samhain opened his to reveal large black orbs. He then smiled, revealing nothing but black. It was a haunting look. One worthy of a person like him. Samhain, king of the dead.