

That's what the entirety of the navy base felt. Failure. They had failed to complete a simply task of capturing their targets, and were made a mockery off. None was more pissed than Silva, who was cooped up in his offices, swung back and forth on his chair, a look of anger painted across his face.

How did he fail? Who did he have to blame for that? Was he still unconsciously underestimating the pirates of the sea? Knock after knock came at his door, but he made no gesture to allow anyone in. In fact, he would have rather had everyone disappear in this very moment, whilst he wallowed in his failure.

His eyes locked down on the recruitment application, and immediately started looking for potential candidates. He no longer had the time and luxury to be picky about his choices. He had lost far too many marines to be picky. He got to stamping, placing aside the recruits that showed great potential.