The Maze

He breathed out, steam coming from his mouth. He glared up at the bright light at the end of the dungeon. The sweet escape. Magnus had slaughtered all the monsters with three minutes to spare.

He sprinted forward like his life depended on it, footsteps echoing across the dungeon. He closed his eyes, and was immediately bombarded with hugs from his crew, once he reached the light.

"I'm good. Tired as all hell, but good." He said, asking them to give some space to breathe. He looked around the arena, staring at every cheering face, with an unnerved feeling.

This was five times the size of the Kingdom of Aroma tournament. The stakes were higher, and the competitors were stronger.

"We love you Magnus." A group of girls screamed. He waved, a small smile on his face.  Thali rolled her eyes, then continued to look over Magnus for any injuries.