Back to where I started

  Cersei is in hysterics, and I can see her struggling to pull herself together.

  "I was on patrol with some of the other knights, in my wolf form, and some  creature  thing bounded out from the public gardens. I followed it because it looked like a threat, and someone was with me so I wouldn't be taking it down but when we made it to just the outskirts of Ovylian, the thing i-it stopped and asked for you." she hiccupped, and I gave a startled look to Lip.

  He met my gaze calmly, then pulled out a tiny book from his pocket, and Cersei launched in a thorough description of the giant and skeletal hound beast.

  With each slash of his pencil, the worry set of Lip's mouth grew, and when Cersei could no longer remember anything else, he flipped over the book, and presented it to us with a grim expression on his face.