True tales told

 The plates are cleared away once we're done, but no one moves from the table. I don't think anyone even moves.

 "The kelpie took me down under where I saw what he really was. A monster with sharp crooked teeth, eyes that were voids, and his skin was grayed and pale. I tried to free myself from him, but he simply held on to me and continued to pull me along. So, I decided to let the water fill me, but he must've known that I was going to do that, because he blew air into me." she spat out, her hands clinging on to the edge of the table, her knuckles white with how hard she was clutching it.

 "He wanted to take me as his bride, but at one point he forgot to blow more air into my mouth, and I let myself die. Enraged, the kelpie bit into me, and ripped me into pieces. And when I came back, I made sure to return the favor." Ainhoa stared down at her nails, lost in thought.

 I wondered what she was remembering.