A time to celebrate

Three days have gone and passed, and in the morning, I struggle to wake up.

 Quill has not let up. He's thoroughly, and vigorously loved on me, and in me. He seeks me out before training, and even more so after training.

 And he's not the only one; I've noticed Lip and Cersei disappearing off into the pack house, the twins going out into the village almost every night. Xolo is the only one who hasn't lost his marbles, but he continues to gaze upon the maids with somewhat hungry eyes.

 I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes, Quill sleeping so close to me. His face is buried in the pillows, his body relaxed.

 I make my escape, going to the restroom and getting ready. Once I've braided my hair, I step back out and freeze when I see Quill sitting up on the bed, his sleepy gaze on me.

 "My darling, come here." he says, a familiar gleam in his eyes.

 I know that look so I back away, my hands raised.