

"mother, I'm scared..."

"don't be scared my child, father and I will protect you and your brother"

"will the bad guys get us?"

"no, no they won't child, they won't"

There had been tension ever since Ah Ru, her dad's most trusted man had come back from scouting and informed them of the Royal guards heading their way. Surely, they were coming for them with the so - called 'Royal Decree'.

"prepare the kids, you must leave here"

Minister Lee, The highest ranked official in the kingdom and brother to the king, had told his wife; he was fully aware of what was coming for them.

"Dear, what about you?, we cannot go alone... oh goodness, what is your brother thinking?, he knows this is a huge conspiracy"

"he knows, but he's been bought over. And that is why we cannot stay here for long. They are coming, prepare the kids"

"will your brother not allow us our freedom? he wants to kill us? and the children? is he doing this to silence us so the Kingdom wouldn't know about the secret he is fighting so hard to keep? he..."

"stop it Ki Mae, the children are here..." he had cut her off.

Nine year old Lee Na definitely didn't know what was going on and had cried her eyes out; but her brother who was three years older was listening keenly.

"lady, Master, Ah Ru says they are near..., we need to hurry" One of the maid servants had gently called out to them from the window.

"quick! change them into the clothes and leave"

"no... we cannot leave without you"

"quick! I will buy time for you, just make sure you all are safe in a faraway place. I will come for you if i make it"

"no... no... no... you know you cannot make it, you know they don't spare anyone, he sent the Royal guards and they don't spare anyone, please... please..."

"he is my brother, surely there will be a consideration. Now leave!"

"Dad" Lee Na had cried out

"my lovely girl, dad will buy you toys when we meet again, dad will buy all the clothes you love and those pretty yellow shoes. Dad will also take you to the lantern festival and you will eat spicy beef"

"Dad" she had continued to call out

"Dad will ask Ah Ru to get the finest horse for you... now leave with your mother and brother".