
A partner

"okay, i will show you how to shoot an arrow. Su, your hyung is honestly so cool. But shall I tell you a secret?" Lu Kang moves nearer to him.

Su opens his eyes wide at the thought of hearing a secret.

"Father is so much cooler" Lu Kang whispers in his ear

"Hahahaha, I would love to see Father shoot an arrow" Su giggles

They got to the shooting ground. Lu Kang holds tightly to Su as though he would disappear any second. The thought of not having a brother anymore is a pain he cannot bear. He is already so comfortable with his new found brother.

"young master Lu, what brings you here?"

"I am here with my brother, now get me my bow and arrows"

"oh... this must be the new boy Master Lu brought in, he looks really handsome, such pretty face"

"ha! don't ogle at a kid! Drillmaster Gang, I'm sure my father would like to have a word with you later about your unseriousness...!" Lu Kang will forever not forget to show his undying seriousness to his brother.

"Hahahaha, of course not young master, please let me show you to your post..."

"Good. Su, come with me"

"young master, here is your bow and arrows" One of the trainees passed to him a case of bow and arrows that had a similar colour to his customized sword.

"it's been a while i came to shoot, I have been upset about not having a comrade lately, therefore, I have not been practicing" Lu Kang had really not had the zeal to train ever since his father had told him he would only show him the advanced moves when he had someone to practice them with. "You will need a partner to share the weight of the energy. These moves you are adamant to learn will require another strong person to train with you if you want to fully master it. So, until you get a partner, your normal drills will do" - his father had said.

"Now that i am here, we will practice everyday" Su assures the young master; for he will himself practice everyday - surely.

"I'm glad" Lu Kang had a wide smile on his face.

Master Lu is out the balcony watching his son and the new boy going about hand-in-hand.

"Kang finally has had a dream come true... haha"

"Yes Master"

"I wonder how this new boy will fare. There is something definitely special about him. And it is left to us to find it out"

"Does Master think I should take over their training?"

"you definitely should..."