
Events in the town

Yeong cleared his throat "hmm...hmm... you all should not be carried away. We will go have some drinks at Icecrest..."

The trainees and warriors who had perked up their ears for an answer looked at him in disappointment and decided the best decision was to not pursue the matter.

Some children congregated in a corner playing tik-tak and other popular games.

At another quarter, some people were seated in front of a story-teller listening to the fable of a great swordsman who allegedly disappeared after he lost his lover. They were so enchanted with the story that when the story-teller sneezed, they jolted up frighteningly like though they had been in a trance.

"aigoo... what a story! go on, go on" they weren't about to leave this story unfinished

"come everyone, take a drink or two before we continue the tale... just 2 cents for a bowl" the story-teller immediately created a good chance to sell off his drinks.

"alright I will take a bowl..."

"a bowl here please..."

"I only have a cent, will that do?"

"I will take a bowl"

"two bowls would do me good..."

They all started to buy the drink in hopes of encouraging the man to finish the tale. Almost everyone got a bowl or two.

The story-teller wanted to finish selling his goods and gave the last bowl of the liquid to one of the women who had been most invested in the story and hadn't asked for any drink.

She coughed and made a sad expression on her face "I can't drink rice wine even if i wanted to, I'm breast-feeding my son right now..."

"aigoo... being a woman is so hard, you can't even drink some alcohol to quench your dry throat... aigoo"

"and the son would later grow up to start running after another woman... what a hard life we live"

"I tell you..."

"sorry my dear, take heart"

"Only Buddha can properly reward a woman...aiyo"

The other women present started to pacify her.

The woman then lowered her head sadly and pretending to wipe away her non-existent tears, meanwhile, she was laughing at how stupid the people were.

'Even my last son is already almost married, what breastfeeding?, fools. I do not have 2 cents to pay for a drink...'

Different events were on-going in the Town.

Some men were dressed in masquerade costumes and were entertaining the villagers with different shows and performance. Some other people were watching 'Giseangs' - female entertainers - dance to music played by some men.

The hustling and bustling of the market square could really lift up a broken spirit.

it was a fine sight.