When the world sees what I see (3)

"We didn't appreciate your move to suddenly release a trailer like that and so with great disappointment we've decided to pull out of the event. We wish you the best of luck with the future of your project." 


Frowning, CEO Windsol gloomily stared at the stands beneath him. The entire arena was slowly starting to fill up, and the sound of their cheers made their way toward the sealed box he was in. 

Despite what was happening beneath, the meeting room had a certain gloom to it. 

"It wasn't like we didn't expect this sort of reaction." 

"That's true, but the trailer did well, no...? And despite that, they still chose to cancel on us?" 

"I'd understand if it was just one main sponsor, but we've lost three of our fifteen main sponsors." 

Taking out a notepad, one of the people sitting in the meeting read,