Chapter 89

It seriously took almost another two hours for the Van Helsings to understand that demon hunting was not part of my resume and that I wanted no part in it. Once they strayed from their fate, then I could and would intervene. But for right now, almost everything was going according to the universe.

But even then, there was still something nagging me in the back of my head. What on Earth could my monster mean about Mother tainting someone before she died? And could Pandora taint anyone? I mean, I know she was not the nicest mother in the world, but she wasn't a demon. Even as Baba Yega, I didn't think it would be possible to taint someone.

I chewed on my thumbnail as Viktor drove me back to our condo in the city. And I don't mean 'our' as in 'our' but rather making reference to the fact that we lived on the same floor. 'Our'. Yeah, life was getting complicated in more ways than one.

"You okay? I think I can see steam coming out of your ears," joked Viktor as he drove into the underground parking lot of the building. This was one of the few times that there was not a giant motor cage around him and frankly, I was impressed.

"Just wondering if I should go back to the police force. These past few months would make the homicide unit look like a vacation on a tropical island," I grumbled as we got out of the car and entered the elevator.

His only response was a chuckle. "Mike not willing to retire yet?" he laughed as the doors opened to our floor.

"Ha ha," I replied sarcastically, not at all amused with the man beside me. "If you must know, he can't retire until he has a replacement. And given how fast promotions work in the NYPD, that might be another year from now."

"Are you serious?" asked Viktor, his eyes wide as he looked down at me.

"Yeah. I mean, I waited a year and a half after submitting my application for promotion as a detective. But to find someone that is qualified to take over for Mike?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Who knows."

"It seems so much easier on tv," laughed Viktor as he opened the door to his condo and gestured for me to go in first. Since the man was willing to feed me, I didn't protest.

"And on tv, Vlad should sparkle like a diamond in the sun and Lucas should become big enough for me to ride on," I laughed as I sat down on his couch and tucked my legs under me. Accepting a cup of hot chocolate, I watched Viktor sit beside me and turned on the tv.

"I don't want to think about you riding Lucas," growled Viktor as the evening news came on. I could only laugh in response. "You know what I mean." Humming in agreement, we both stopped laughing and stared at the tv.

"Earlier tonight, a mass grave was discovered on the outskirts of Albany, New York. Local police are still investigating the details, but over 100 bodies were recovered, although that number might change as the case progresses and the forensic anthropologists can identify all of the remains."

The news reporter continued to go on, but I had pretty much muted the tv as I turned to Viktor. "Nothing is being picked up on the Spidey senses?" I asked, studying his face. If it were in any way related to us, then a mass grave of that magnitude would have sent him off in a hunting frenzy. Well, him and the other 50 Van Helsings currently in the city. It was not a good time to be skirting the law for any monster right now.

"Nothing," said Viktor as he continued to watch the news. There might not be any sound, but sometimes, pictures spoke louder than words. "But that would be the problem," he said as he paused the tv and pointed to something.

I could see a forearm hanging down as the stretcher carried the body away from the scene. "What am I looking for?" I asked, staring intently at the picture, but not understanding.

"See that tattoo?" he said, going up to the screen and pointing to a small tattoo that looked like a bunch of random dots and lines.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"That is a beta. One of Lucas' top ones if that tattoo is anything to go by."

"You can tell that from lines and dots?"

"If you ignore the lines, then the dots make the Greek beta symbol," said Viktor pulling out his phone and quickly dialing a number.

"And if there is one wolf in that pile," I said, turning my attention away from Viktor and back to the tv.

"Then it is safe to assume that there are more wolves in that pile," Viktor scoffed as the phone continued to ring. Hanging up, Viktor turned to me. "And if there are more wolves in that pile, then everybody found in that mass grave could be a wolf."

"Fuck me," I whispered as the camera panned out, giving the audience an aerial view of the crime scene.

"And if that is the case, then the only conclusion is that this was a case of monsters killing monsters."

"Where are we going?" I asked as I hurried to put on my shoes as Viktor waited for me at the door.

"We are going to go find Lucas, he isn't answering his phone."

"Because of the dead bodies? Do you think that he will have some idea who did it?" I asked as I darted under his arm and to the elevators, allowing him to lock the door behind me.

"Lucas is the Alpha," said Viktor slowly, a look of confusion on his face. Well, that made two of us.

"I understand that," I replied, cocking my head to the side, wondering where this was going.

"And as the Alpha, he has a direct link to each and every one of his wolves."

"In this city?" I asked, wondering how he could stay sane with so many voices inside of his head.

"In this world," replied Viktor as he shot off a text. Reaching the parking lot, I saw over 200 Knights standing at attention around various vehicles.

"He would have experienced each and every one of those deaths as it was happening. Hopefully, he will be able to give us something."

"But I thought you didn't intervene with monster-on-monster crime. Only when it came to monsters and humans?"

"Whoever did that to the wolves, won't stop at the wolves," said Viktor as he helped me into the back seat of his car. The rest of the Knights followed suit and we took off in search of Lucas.