Ria's resurrection???

[Hold your horses host]

[Looks like its time you take a REALITY check]

Rio, who had just finished thinking about his plans to kill Rebecca, or to be more precise letting her die, was disturbed from his thoughts by the system's voice. 

"What do you mean?" Rio asked. 

[You're forgetting the most important part]

[Unless you want to kill your sister, I'd suggest you stop your foolishness.]

"Speak clearly about what you want to say?"

[I meant, are you forgetting what happened when you kept your memories together, or what happened when you woke up in Arcadia.]

System's words were like a bucket of cold water that brought Rio back from cloud nine to seven, of course his happiness can't just be ignored by such simple words. Back of his mind was still dancing in joy at the news of Ria's revival.