Lost in his brain - Chained man

"Queen" Just saying that word had took all the energy system could muster. It had lost all its hope on what to do next, as never since its creation did it ever feel so powerless, it felt that maybe even at its full power it won't be a match for them, as the system lost all its will it remembered the words of 'that being' - 

'Don't lose yourself in his mind.' Though system couldn't understand how or what, all this had to do with Rio, but it was sure he was the one responsible for it. 

(Fucker, should've been more clear.) System cursed 'that being' for telling this important information in simple line without any explanation, but it was all useless now, it was too late. 

"See you in the cycle." 

As the system finished saying what it thought to be its final words, it was suddenly pulled out from that place and found itself back in Rio's brain.