Teaching her some manners

On the other side, after stopping the fight and dispersing the crowd, Rebecca thought. 

'This birthday is the worst.' remembering how her day had been going ever since midnight. 'It's all his fault.' She said in her head, as the face of a white haired boy popped up again. 

"Best gift of your life." My god what a liar. he probably forgot or didn't care about me. What did I do to him anyway.' Rebecca thought, remembering what happened last night. 

It was then she remembered she hasn't seen that perpetrator of all her pain too. So she looked around, and as she looked up, her eyes met him, standing there, with that same annoying smile on his face from last night's. 

'Wait, he was watching it, wasn't he?' She thought, as she looked at Amelia waving her hand holding popcorn in them.