Ayla Augustus - Bhoomi's brightest

Ayla ran in a hurry towards Myra, crying as she looked at the man who was barely able to hold his consciousness and not fall down. His feet were dragging on the ground as Myra supported his body with her mana. His clothes bloodied and torn, signs of torture evident on his skin. 

"Father, wh_ what happened to him?" Ayla asked, her voice heavy with worry, as she looked at her father's hands.

She was too scared to even touch his hands, scared that she might hurt him, cause his fingers looked red and swollen. 

"He's fine. Don't worry." Esme said, as she came forward and pulled her away, while Myra went ahead and put the man carefully in the car, with the help of some guards. 

Ayla kept crying as she looked at her father, Esme hugged the little girl, as she went to her knees. "He's just asleep. Okay. Don't worry. We'll get him help, and he'll be fine."

"B_ but his hands an_ and his blood and _ "