Dance of Devil

To ensure that no God's or Strays could create any drama, the whole island was surrounded by the barrier erected by artifacts which dampens the vision of Gods and shuts the flow of faith energy. 

Since every God gets their powers from the faith, they all have similar origin of energy. That's why the artifacts or formations which stops or resists the flow of faith energy, makes it harder for gods to take notice and act. 

This is why, the city of non-believers and atheists called Nontheos, was the worst place for any God. As that place was simply filled with people who had no faith and chosen the path of Apostasy -abandonment of religion. That's why gods couldn't interfere in any way and it became the blind region from the God's eyes. 

Obviously chosen Gods tied to their avatar, could still act freely within the confines of the academy and any other formations too.