Rubina Alka Rosewood & Damon Cryptorn

"How long do you think it'll take for him to get here?" Amelia asked, after she read the message Rio sent. 

"His room's on the third floor, so probably a few minutes." Ayla replied. 

"I doubt it. He might be still sleeping and just lied about it. I wouldn't be surprised." Rebecca chimed in. 

"He can't be that lazy right?" Another girl who was sitting near them said, hearing their conversation. She was Amelia and Rebecca's roompartner, Rubina Rosewood. She had the beautiful face of a maiden, with her auburn hair tied in a ponytail and hazel brown eyes which seemed full of light. 

The pair of 4 girls were sitting on the table near the door. They were all wearing the academy's uniform and were currently in the canteen, waiting for him to show up, so they could leave. There's around half an hour left until the classes starts, and no one wanted to be late on their first day. They've had their breakfast and that guy still hasn't come.