Sentinels and Arbiters

"So where shall we start this time?" Lucius asked, as he played with a little cat on his laps.

"Look professor, I've already told you everything. There's nothing new to tell. So can we, you know, wrap it up." Rio said, as he felt weird seeing that guy with a smile on his face, with no idea what he's thinking about.

"Oh hardly, we just started to get to know each other. You still haven't given me the book about that guy you found me similar to."

"I told you, it was something I read when I was a kid, I forgot its name." Rio replied.

"You also haven't told me that the people from Warzy, especially, came to kill you at that restaurant." Lucius asked.

"How was I supposed to know that?" Rio asked, spreading his hands, feigning confusion.

"But that's what The Sentinels said in their statement. Their reports also mentioned that you were the one who fought with the man who was supposedly their leader."