Loki and Arabella

Once Amelia and Rebecca were both eliminated, Rio canceled his aura avatar and walked towards Valtor, who was panting heavily.

Rio had controlled his avatar to not show the blessing of gluttony to anyone, cause if anyone learned about this method, even those SS rankers and leaders wouldn't hesitate to come after him.

After all, all the high rankers had many strong blessings and many high ranked gods behind them, so a method which can let them use one of their strongest skills into a separate entity, who wouldn't want that.

Sure, if they knew the backlash of it, many might hesitate and give up, but even then, they'd like to take this method.

After all, if someone bound a blessing with too much power and too much backlash with their aura avatar, not only could they get rid of that cursed skill, but also get an avatar which could perfect that op blessing without any setbacks.