Quest completion and rewards

After making sure the vessel, Aisha, was safe, and leaving the cleaning of pests popping up from Evil's Scion's gang to his minions, Shiva wanted to go back and check on the group of heroines and the protagonist battling below.

He did feel the aura of destruction gathering in large amounts some time ago, so he knew which villain they were facing.

Ronnie Dathien

The exiled one of the Dathien clan from the fairy race.

In the original novel he played a little part, so Shiva still had a little impression of this guy. Ronnie was a sick bastard, whom even Shiva considered to get and train for his Eclipse, but eventually gave up.

First, because this guy was either counting his days in the fairy forests or in the towers of hell, both places where Shiva couldn't reach and act freely.