Plans in action - call of chaos

"Who are these people?"

"Is this still the test?"

"Where are we? Where are the staff?"

"Fuck, they're killing us. It's not the test anymore."

The students screamed in horror, their faces paled and palms got sweaty as chills went up their spine seeing the bloody massacre taking place in front of their eyes.

Marcel was just the beginning as before his body even hit the ground the rest of the masked man had already killed more than a dozen students already.

Rio looked around and nodded his head at Nirdayi, Cersei and everyone. Though the students here were much weaker than every one of them, but he had warned them not to take it easy and not to play around. His plan was simply to kill everyone as soon as possible.

With each passing second more and more students appeared in the deserted temple. And the moment they saw the scene unfolding they'd have the same question - How? Why?