Friends, family, foe, or a fool?

Rio looked at the people around him, friends whom he had known for years, people with whom he studied for months, acting out of their characteristics. Blind to the world around them which kept shifting and shrinking, - the empty space always making sure he stayed in the middle of it all. 

The upgrades godmother got after sucking every last soul had heightened her powers to a level, where even his true sight couldn't track her down. 

"Fuck, this is worse than when Ria forced me to watch those soap operas all day long." Rio complained as he flapped his wings and kicked Hermann who seemed to hate him all of a sudden.

"That was definitely Firsjen or Lincoln." He said. Turning around only to be stumped by the sight of Amelia and Rebecca engaged in a catfight. "I so wanna record it and poke fun later, but not now girls." he said, using his threads to pull them apart.