
Liam woke up well rested, without the usual scowl on his face – he barely expanded his mental sphere the previous night, paring moderate cultivation with a well needed rest – before taking a warm bath.

Briefly, Liam inspected his ring. Rogan had gone all out and made him four pairs of blades made from Rank 3 darkness beasts. 

After Liam mentioned his participation in the tournament, the blacksmith looked elated to showcase his forging ability in front of an audience. 

Liam nodded with a slight smile, before getting ready.

Outside his room, could already sense the commotion of excitement – servants and guards working together to prepare for the ceremony filled the air with a tense anticipation of sorts.

Liam got dressed – a tight elastic shirt that didn't hide his defined muscles – paired with a robe that covered his lower-half. A scarlet sash wrapped around his waist held the clothing together.