
Instantly, Liam's surroundings changed. 

How it happened was quite anticlimactic if he was honest with himself – it occurred in the blink of an eye, and there were no special effects of the sort.

A spotlight focused on Liam's figure – at the same time, the audience was basked in complete darkness, but that didn't deter Liam's sight.

Thousands and thousands of eyes scanned him thoroughly. Specifically, Liam could feel a plethora of venomous gazes coming from the Royce family booth… and for some reason, even Erivol's.

He could even see through the one-way mirror and look at Adrian's tense face, along with all his uncles and aunts staring at him with disgust.

There was one more gaze that Liam felt, but he didn't need to look at who it belonged to – Eve was probably watching with worried eyes, scared dreadful for him.