

The index, middle, and ring fingers of Gerard Ursus were instantly consumed by the smoke, leaving behind a trio of bloody nubs.

At the same time, the strength behind Liam's swing was too much for Gerard, spraining his wrist and forcing him to retreat backwards – any smugness disappeared from his face.

Liam didn't follow straight away, choosing to wait for any hidden reaction.

His expression turned sour as he witnessed the scene.

Gerard's fingers instantly grew back, reforming with flesh and bone, even faster and potent than Liam's own regeneration.

The noble's pained look gradually softened, turning to anger.

Meanwhile, the crowd went wild at Liam's showcase of abilities.

Cultivators with the darkness element were extremely few, and any noble family that birthed one was guaranteed a high status in one or two decades.

As long as you were pure blooded, of course.